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kuulteach | 13:08 Tue 11th Nov 2014 | Crosswords
16 Answers
6a awfully brutal Coleman seizes number running wild (14) I know it's an anagram. But haven't got enough down letters


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Thanks now I can finish off the verticals I hope
An anagram of brutal Coleman + n(number)
I thought the Colonel was awfully brutal. What has the coal man done wrong ?
Seized a number and ran wild.
Must of been Col. Mustard. (Colemans)
Best go and have a sit down after that one Retro!
I thought it was rather good Margot. :-) xx
Hot stuff Retro xx
What has Mrs retro been saying about me when I was in hospital?
How long have you got?
Oh nooooooooooo.
Oh yeeeeeees

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