Old_Geezer - "I believe, Andy, that is an opinion, and one that can not be reasonably supported. It trashes many thousands, probably millions of people."
I think then, we must agree to differ.
From my point of view, drinking alcohol and driving a car is not the action of a 'decent' person.
If by the term 'decent', you are referring to people who have a sense of social responsibility to themselves, their families, and the wider society in which they live, then you cannot sit that beside a fundamentally selfish and self-centered action - the unwillingness to forgo alcohol conusmption in order to drive properly and safely - in line with their social responsibilities.
The two are simply incompatable. If one person drinks and drives, the chances or an accident or fataility come into play. If more than one person does it, the odds increase mathmatically, and if, as you infer, millions of people are doiong it, then that is dangerous irresponsibility on a national scale.
Nothing decent about that.
What is the problem with saying 'I am going to drink some alcohol, so i wil not drive my car for the duration of the time that alcohol may be in my system.'
Is that so hard?