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///1. Employees are reminded: ‘It is important to enjoy yourself, but the Trust’s Dignity At Work Policy should be observed.’ Organisers should remember that not all staff celebrate Christmas, so it is vital to make sure parties don’t clash with other, non-Christian religious festivals///
Doh, the clue is in the title. If you don't want to celebrate Christmas, don't. It's not compulsory.
///2. ‘There could be the potential for claims for sex discrimination.’ Women with ‘caring responsibilities’ should not be excluded. Nor should any staff currently on maternity or paternity leave.///
Men obviously don't have 'caring responsibilities' in 'Bab's world'. However if you choose to have children don't expect the rest of the world to revolve around your choices.
///3. Agency workers should also have access to the party///
Who's stopping them, you silly old bat? Could go on but I'm fed up. However;
///10. Emergency numbers are listed for three companies providing interpreting services, plus an out-of-hours contact for an organisation specialising in sign language and lip-reading for the deaf///
For Funks Sake!