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nilrac52 | 16:51 Mon 12th Jan 2015 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Crossword clue- Allowance of food in Parliament? [7].
Looks like answer is commons but why? I have tried to find a link between "commons" and "allowance of food" but unable to do so. Many thanks.


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Commons is an old word for food rations.
I think commons is a mediaeval word for food. I have come across that before.
I think commons is an old fashioned word for an amount to food.
Commons: food at acommon table, food in general, rations (Chambers)
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Thank you all for taking the time to reply. Didn't come across that before and didn't know it meant rations. Thank you for confirming my answer. I certainly will remember this one the next time.
Can I move my mediaeval to Victorian, please. Maybe I read it in a Dickens novel.
Ah, Middle English. Thank you, Lady Alex. Must have seen it in Chaucer.
That would have really bugged me, trying to place it. Thanks again.

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