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Middlesbrough Gazette Cryptic

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Donaldinho | 18:56 Mon 12th Jan 2015 | Crosswords
7 Answers
1d Small reptile found in exotic rock garden - ?r??
2d When you think of adding 50 would make it perfect - ?d??
9a One objecting to the claimant - ???l?e????
5d Honouring one fellow in rejoicing - ?lo??????s


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2 Ideal

1 Croc
9 Challenger
CROCK looks as though letter count is wrong on 1 & 2
5d Glor i F ying
1d Small reptile found in exoti(c roc)k garden

2d When you think (IDEA)of adding 50 (L)would make it perfect
Sorry, croc is obviously correct

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Middlesbrough Gazette Cryptic

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