Crosswords34 mins ago
Middlesbrough Gazette Cryptic
11 Answers
1a Has found footwear in West Sussex - ?????c?s
6a Having two accents, head cook may make it - P?t?
8a Postman's protective clothing? - ????
2d Some missiles I aim at a region of central Europe - ????s?a
15d Creeper of a type that rises endlessly with a child of the nobility - ?y?h?n
6a Having two accents, head cook may make it - P?t?
8a Postman's protective clothing? - ????
2d Some missiles I aim at a region of central Europe - ????s?a
15d Creeper of a type that rises endlessly with a child of the nobility - ?y?h?n
Pate Did you see my answer to your Xmas Quiz question? http://www.t heanswerbank es-and-Puzzl es/Question1 385843.html
16:19 Thu 15th Jan 2015
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