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Daily Telegraph Prize Crossword 326 Monday January 19Th 2015

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Dickiedot | 15:57 Mon 19th Jan 2015 | Crosswords
15 Answers
4d mountain in western china on the northern Tibetan border (6) ?u?t?g


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NOt been able to find this Dickie. Gave up after half an hour googling.
noun - a highest mountain peak in the Kunlun Shan in China; near the Indian border (23,891 feet high)
There is a difference between Tibetan border and Indian border,
But thanks Capt.
This any help danny?

The Qiangtang is bordered on the north by the Kunlun Mountains, with the highest peak, Mount Muztag (Muztagh; on the Tibet-Xinjiang border), reaching 25,338 feet (7,723 metres). The western and southern border of the Plateau of Tibet is formed by the great mass of the Himalayas; the highest peak is Mount Everest, which rises to 29,035 feet (8,850 metres
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Thanks Captain and Danny, prolly the only way to find out is to enter it
Thanks Capt.I had searched my atlas along the northernTibetan border but without any success.
Philips school atlas danny? May be a bit out of date - don't think Tibet had been discovered in 'your day' had it? ;-)))
Philips Atlas of the World, quite a hefty tome,
Actually Tibet is shown as part of China so not that old.
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well blow me, used two letter hints and the m and z are correct however I got one wrong only 96% :-(
I wouldn't worry Dickie. I have experienced this in the past and often if there is an alternative spelling they only accept the one they have.
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yes Captain/Danny it's correct I entered Hucknell should have been Hucknall
BY the way Dickie are you aware that if you use letter hints,your entry will not be accepted for the weekly prize?
Question Author
I guessed as much, only fair and proper

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Daily Telegraph Prize Crossword 326 Monday January 19Th 2015

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