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Sunday Express Skeleton Sunday January 25Th 2015

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jellybun | 21:06 Sun 25th Jan 2015 | Crosswords
10 Answers
I'm really stuck this week any help with a few might make some others click. 4ac Snakes born inside a house. 7L Sorry no letters. 7ac Deified madam, say. 11L _ A - - N - - - - - S. 14ac "But old Bob's in a city. 5L B - - - A. 6dn Pieces from reopened paper that end need. 11L - - - U - R - M - - T. Any help much appreciated.


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7 palindrones
6d requirement
14a Basra
Question Author
Thank you all, that's helped me, I've now got a couple more.
4ac Snakes born inside a house:
winds, inside of born is or
I endorse danny's sppelling of PALINDROMES
Why is it Basra? It's a city and an old bob is a shilling which is an s, but I can't get the rest to fit.
Daztatic, s(old bob) in bar(but) + a

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Sunday Express Skeleton Sunday January 25Th 2015

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