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NOISETTE | 13:09 Fri 27th Mar 2015 | Crosswords
12 Answers
How does that relate to tyres? I racked my brain on this one!


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I can't match the wizardry of LIK's technical speak , but basically it delivers power from the engine to the tyres (in this case).

In a motor vehicle, the term powertrain or powerplant describes the main components that generate power and deliver it to the road surface.
Wot she said
They might be looking for a female presenter, who knows.
So real handbag fracassery (I like it) can ensue :-)
Apologies to Noisette for the silliness :-)
If you're presenting can I be Captain Slow, pleae?
Why not and we can have Fricassee for supper.

Sorry Noisette.
I thought you lived life in the fast lane, m'lady?
I wish, Maj. I wish.
Hasn't been fast around here since the millenium.....or. thereabouts.

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