Haven't read the article, but having worked with young children for many years I know that children learn through play much better. While a few children are ready to start school, and now therefore formal education, many are not and school life is stressful for them and their teachers. Children can not learn formally until they are able to sit still, listen, do as they are told and 'get on' with the children round them. The old way of playgroup, nursery and then school was so much better and prepared children properly for their school days.
What we expect of our children now has frightened me for a long time - how can you expect children from families where neither parent is literate and can't see the point of it anyway, and those who read, discuss and spend time with their children to reach the same point in their education at the same time? Having seen children worried to the point of being ill over SAT exams and now hearing that early years children will also be tested, and SATs may be retaken in Y7, I think those in the Education department have gone completely mad.
Children in many countries do not start formal education until they are six or seven, and they are still higher than ours in the b***** tables, doesn't that tell these MPs anything.
We are going to have a generation of youngsters where the majority of them are burnt out before they leave school.
Sorry for the rant, but this is a real hobby horse of mine!!!!!!!