3d. Satirical piece about Thatcher finally seen in the fringe. s?i?t. Skirt? Skit fits in but why Thatcher and the R?
20a. Scrubber shows anger at court - wife left outside. ?i?e/???l. Line call?.
17d. Puzzle factory contracted to produce image of Foster's. f???r/?l?n. Floor plan?
3d R is final letter of (Thatche)R 20a wire wool - ire and woo with W(ife) and L(eft) around them 17d floor (puzzle) + plan[t] - Norman Foster is an architect.
3d R is final letter of (Thatche)R
20a wire wool - ire and woo with W(ife) and L(eft) around them
17d floor (puzzle) + plan[t] - Norman Foster is an architect.