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Whats On Tv Anagram

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outrageous | 19:15 Wed 10th Jun 2015 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Channel 4 documentary series ( 3,8)
Thanks in advance


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The supervet
The Supervet
Question Author
wow so fast Thank You xx
Glad to help.
...does anyone else find him attractive? or is it just me? (sorry if I'm sullying your thread, outrageous) ;)

Baths x

He doesn't appeal to me tbh!
Just been reading about him on Wiki, Baldric. When I first read he was a "batchelor" I immediately thought "gay", which was terrible of me I know,...but then it mentioned he fancied Keira Knightly + named one of his dogs after her...(which isn't all that complimentary to Keira now I come to think about it..) lol! :-)
x x


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