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Gdn Cryptic

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davidas | 11:24 Sat 27th Jun 2015 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Almost there BUT

If 13dn is uproarious then

26 ac Prison camp body regulating prisoners is O - L - G?

15dn Nought for English that's in dish that's Thanksgiving grub (9)

24/1 Puzzle 14,225? (4,6) WORD S - D - R -

The Homer Simpson in me is rising to the surface.


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OF lag Turducken - three bird roast
11:26 Sat 27th Jun 2015
OF lag
Turducken - three bird roast
For 24 I have word square, but can't parse, sorry

9a Ug(h) ric(h)
24/1 14 is 14a (i.e. WORD - a part of speech) and 225 is the SQUARE of 15.
Turn (dish = ruin) around 'duck' (nought) + E(nglish)
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Thank everyone. I had DORIC instead of UGRIC.

WORD SQUARE BUT WHY? Oh boy I miss Araucaria - the lack of wit and elegance in the cryptic now is only matched by the lousy prize on offer. Remaindered books the Guardian can't shift. word for clue 14 , 225 is 15 squared ( typical crossword size )
^ Sedge has parsed, how true
I got the dish as TUREEN, and the first E becoming DUCK (nought)
That's correct

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