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Why ?...

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bazwillrun | 08:35 Mon 07th Sep 2015 | News
14 Answers
Im sick to the back teeth of this refugee nonsense so a change of subject...the good old Blatantly Biased Clowns

Why ?....

"Either a satellite TV service for Russian speakers or a bigger digital presence on platforms such as YouTube and its Russian equivalent, Rutube

A daily news programme for North Korea, broadcast on short wave radio

The BBC Arabic Service is to offer more regional content, with increased coverage of North Africa and the Middle East

A news service for Ethiopia and Eritrea on medium wave and short wave"


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Russia, North Korea, one can see the point, taking the BBC's political stance, it all makes sense.
lol haven't you made a few of them yourself Baz?
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Its back to the days of WWII ...propoganda and coded messages...
why? Because people in certain countries trust the BBC ( yes lol ) for news and current affairs.
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Retrochic is true here....the BBC is famous all over the world for its broadcasting. We should be proud of such a well respected organisation, instead of all this ludicrous and childish name-calling and continual carping.

Tell John Humphrys that he is a biased, Labour-leaning broadcaster, but step well back when you do !

Daft nonsense !
How else is North Korea going to get free and unbiased news ?
The words free and unbiased are of course dependant on where you are standing.
Well, if I were standing in North Korea Togo, those are the very words that I would use !

Why is it, that anytime the BBC hasn't got its lips securely fastened to the back passage of the Tory Party, it is accused of bias ?
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Anytime?? Examples are welcome. Free Is that without cost, or showing largesse and extravagance?
Mikey, three Google searches should answer your question. Look for filter bubble, attitude polarization and group polarization.
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i see the good old unbiased AB censor is working overtime today...

seems AB also doesnt like the truth.....

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