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Rte 42

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Bernie | 12:27 Tue 06th Oct 2015 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Beginning to feel stupid at this stage!!
7/8a This must follow- once out of play in the GAA(4,4) I was directed to scroll down to scooke for all the answers. If its comrades in arms the clue is ?a?e ?a?e.
If comrades in arms its ?i?e ?a?e.
I have makes bread for 1 down
Many thanks


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Bernie, 7d is side 8 across is line as the question is 7d/8a and it's comrades in arms not at arms and I'd go with makes bread
sorry, mixes bread
....or bakes bread
it would be mixes fiction factory, if the ball goes over the line in gaelic football/hurling it's out of play, side line
Okay- I didn't know the needing/kmeading bread one crossed that one there- I just know the debate last night ws between bakes and makes- I didn't know that had all been based on an incorrect letter A
seems so fiction-factory (all down to rule 2.9 in GAA :-} )
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Thanks a milion. At last I can relax. Xx
25a. like these ..... 6 letters - r - I - -
17d d ---------d 9 letters 3d. have your cake and eat it thereon 5 letters - c - n -
is that the full clue for 25a?
17d you have not given the clue but I recall suggesting debriefed

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