12 ac. Hush before group of rugby players set out. I have S-RUCK. I want it to be shruck but I can't find the word anywhere. If it is struck then I can't parse it. Anyone got any advice? Thanks
Well, wadya know? It's in chambers but I never thought of looking at st. And while I am on, I just noticed that 18 ac is missing the first letter. -OULP. Can you tell me, is it poulp because if it is, I am mystified. If not what is it? I enjoyed this puzzle but the last of the red wine leaves me disinclined to search the dictionary. Nice new words today. Spent my life in medicine and never heard of crassamentum
Thank you jackdaw and daveygh. I should have googled poulp but lost the will to live ( or google) after the second glass (?bottle) of red. Done. Look forward to next week