Society & Culture1 min ago
Worth Saving ?
15 Answers
Do you know any of these buildings ?
http:// news/ma gazine- 3466703 4
Are any of them worth saving in your opinion ?
Look at the former Birmingham Central Library ( third picture down )
Now look what they have replaced it with
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=p icture+ of+the+ new+bir mingham +centra l+libra ry& espv=2& amp;biw =1280&a mp;bih= 899& ;tbm=is ch& imgil=p kE1Qcd2 7Nu5rM% 253A%25 3B4pjnA bcbEQqi iM%253B http%25 253A%25 252F%25 252Fwww .birmin gham.go 252Fcs% 25252FS atellit e%25253 Fc%2525 253DPag e%25252 526chil dpagena me%2525 253DLib -Librar y-of-Bi rmingha m%25252 5252FPa geLayou t%25252 526cid% 2525253 D122338 6784794 %252525 26pagen ame%252 5253DBC C%25252 5252FCo mmon%25 2525252 FWrappe r%25252 5252FWr apper&a mp;sour ce=iu&a mp;pf=m &fi r=pkE1Q cd27Nu5 rM%253A %252C4p jnAbcbE QqiiM%2 52C_&am p;dpr=1 &us g=__h_w yTudwxf sMDm7V0 Vrx0Jsk 2zw%3D& amp;ved =0CDUQy jdqFQoT COSizry A98gCFc yYGgodV KgIfA&a mp;ei=f xk6VqTn JcyxatT QouAH#i mgrc=pk E1Qcd27 Nu5rM%3 A&u sg=__h_ wyTudwx fsMDm7V 0Vrx0Js k2zw%3D
Are any of them worth saving in your opinion ?
Look at the former Birmingham Central Library ( third picture down )
Now look what they have replaced it with
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.It's a difficult call Bazile, and possibly evokes similar feelings as those expressed towards 'modern' and 'contemporary' art.
And were not in the richest of times...and we need to be practical....
My bottom line with buildings (and I love buildings) is, once the purpose for which it was created runs out of steam, emergency lights start flashing.
If a building wasn't fit for purpose in the first place, it's an easy decision to let it go.
Some (only some) post-1960 buildings are both well constructed and attractive, so then it comes down to the local context. Does it sit well, is it well used / well regarded, if conversion or upgrades are needed is it economically feasible?
I don't know the case with the old Birmingham central library, but usually that date of building needs vast amounts of additional insulation, re-wiring and re-plumbing to bring them in line, so demolition is cheaper.
I think the saddest thing about many public buildings done in the last decade or so is that they are intended not to last more than 25 years - it's an assumption that they'll be outmoded and demolished. That strikes me as wasteful.
Also, with libraries and many other buildings, the exterior is irrelevant - it's how they function to serve their audiences that is important. Glitzy architectural schemes strike me as losing sight of that important fact.
And were not in the richest of times...and we need to be practical....
My bottom line with buildings (and I love buildings) is, once the purpose for which it was created runs out of steam, emergency lights start flashing.
If a building wasn't fit for purpose in the first place, it's an easy decision to let it go.
Some (only some) post-1960 buildings are both well constructed and attractive, so then it comes down to the local context. Does it sit well, is it well used / well regarded, if conversion or upgrades are needed is it economically feasible?
I don't know the case with the old Birmingham central library, but usually that date of building needs vast amounts of additional insulation, re-wiring and re-plumbing to bring them in line, so demolition is cheaper.
I think the saddest thing about many public buildings done in the last decade or so is that they are intended not to last more than 25 years - it's an assumption that they'll be outmoded and demolished. That strikes me as wasteful.
Also, with libraries and many other buildings, the exterior is irrelevant - it's how they function to serve their audiences that is important. Glitzy architectural schemes strike me as losing sight of that important fact.
This is difficult because I deal in things that have in the past gone out of fashion and now people can't get enough of what has been in the past classed as 'trash'. Every generation changes and I think the best examples of past architecture (even mistakes) should be kept , despite being 'ugly' -which is extremely subjective . Probably in 50 years time the 'replacements ' for these now deemed ugly buildings will be given the same treatment, and people will bemoan the fact 'heritage' buildings from the 50's and 60's were demolished in the 2015's by idiots who didn't realise how culturally valuable they were.
he played more than one instrument, but here he is with a banjolele
http:// banjoin fo.weeb banjole le.html
I liked the old building (but then I love brutalist architecture - not everyone does!).
I've not quite made up my mind about the new one yet.
I much prefer Norwich's new(-ish) library though. (They didn't have any choice about pulling the old one down -it was gutted by fire!)
https:/ /c1.sta ticflic 7/6139/ 5922212 435_aca 913ee15 _b.jpg
I've not quite made up my mind about the new one yet.
I much prefer Norwich's new(-ish) library though. (They didn't have any choice about pulling the old one down -it was gutted by fire!)