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mra1 | 14:18 Fri 05th Feb 2016 | Crosswords
33 Answers
Could do with help with the last 4 viz
4 down King's story - what happens T?? ?C???? : 9 across Oxford's version of Shakespeare ? ?E ?E??; 13 across parking in an Indian city is somewhere a long way to the west ?E?S?? (last letter is 7th letter of 3 down) 25 across Haggard old lady's muffler turning heads? G?G?O? - looks like GIGLOT but dont get it


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Don't know if it helps but Giglot = wanton
Thank you, Mamya..I'm so confused ;o)
mra1, glad De Vere worked. I think you confused us all slightly by your posts showing the clue numbers and letter counts changing - it was hard to see what was needed!
Hate to do it but I'm admitting defeat on this one.
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Thank you very much everyone - I appear to have wreaked total havoc for which I apologise most sincerely. I shall now leave everyone in peace to recover!
Only just got my hands on the grid, so am not much help.
William Thomas Stead was Vic. journalist; "stead" = place"
mra1 says 3d has 7 letters(or more?) so "stead" no use?
3D clue reads "A place for William Thomas in Victorian journalism (5)"
mra1 mistakenly wrote 3d, when she meant 4d.
Thanks for the clarification scorpio and NC4BBQ - this thread was getting a little confusing!
...just a little, roslyn :))

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