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Sunday Mail

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dorothys | 12:50 Sun 06th Mar 2016 | Crosswords
18 Answers
4a) The bridges gathered round the first of the gagsters - Scotland's Kevin (7) b????/s


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Bridges. I think you mean 'the brides gathered round' , don't you?
Looks as though the answer is bridges?
Question Author
Yes. Thank you
I have Bridges for this but I am stuck on
6d A little meringue (strawberry) for one of the partygoes (5) G???t
9a A leafy plant for Patrick Harvie MSP perhaps (5) G???n ~ could that be Green ?
Thanking you
bridges (kevin bridges) comedian
Thank you, am still stuck on the other two
Yes Green- Scottish green Party
Thank you my friends
Hope you all have a present evening
oops spelling mistake, meant to write Hope you all have a pleasant evening.
you're welcome
good luck
Thank you, am going to bed (I know its early) am in agony with back pain.
Can I please ask the answer to 21A coming from the Americas, Ian traces a guy from the east... ?S?A? - is it isaac?? Many thanks
hidden in the clue
Asian - hidden in clue
I didn't spot that, many thanks!!

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Sunday Mail

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