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mra1 | 15:29 Fri 18th Mar 2016 | Crosswords
11 Answers
Stuck on last interrelating 4 viz 6ac Will errors here occur at start and end of day? ??M???;
6 down short story writer revolutionary at all times ??A?V?R;
4 down I'm with Peter on kind of train put together with 11 others I?S?N?L; and
8 down Sandy Herbert Novel? ??A?

I( can find no reference to a Sandy Herbert anywhere and I think all the references to 11 in this crossword rfer to 11 across which I have as ALTERNATIVES


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6d come d(a)y
Sorry! That was 6 a. Comedy of Errors
4 Impanel

8 Dune
4d the '11' others here refers to jury members.
Question Author
Thank you all very much - they all fit in nicely but I now realise I had the wrong answer for 10 acrosas = quietly note time to finish reason for Hamilton's insomnia - I originally had SHENANDOAH - but now I have P?E?E?D?N? for which I can only find either pretendent or pretendant - do either make sense??
Question Author
Thank you both very much indeed!
mra - do you enter online on the Times website .... just wondered...... no-one 100% correct maybe there's a glitch.. again!!

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