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Breakfast Crockery Suggested For Old Scottish Copper Coins

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molyslip | 13:09 Tue 29th Mar 2016 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Breakfast crockery suggested for old Scottish copper coins


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You have forgotten the letter count, molyslip
sounds like bowls or dishes?
Guardian. 7 letters.
Do you have any please?
Not straightforward:
Special instructions: Each solution includes a repeated letter, not referred to in its clue's wordplay.These letters in 52 of the solutions cover the full alphabet (A to Z) twice: once separately, as in EvEry, and once as a double letter, as in wEEk. The solutions to the other six asterisked clues require a third appearance of the letters from the word TALKER.

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Breakfast Crockery Suggested For Old Scottish Copper Coins

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