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Bernie | 08:23 Thu 19th May 2016 | Crosswords
13 Answers
6/18d. A method of making people better is the making of Ham! (6,7) c?r??? ????e?s
20a risqué comedy from distant Clare (5)????e
15a. On which to keep the beat at the refinery(3,4) oil ??u?
Many thanks


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Curing process?
08:48 Thu 19th May 2016
oil drum
Ignore squire- I just saw the anagram of risque but can't see a clare connection
Curing illness ?
20a.Far ce
That looks good danny- is CE an abbreviation for County Clare perhaps?
Yes FF
Thanks. I didn't know that - although I know it is on their car reg plates
Curing illness looks good. Ham son of Noah had a disease.
Question Author
Farce looks good so for 6/18d I now have curing ?r??e?s
Curing process?
curing process is much better
Curing process ( I was on wrong track previously)

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