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Rte 21

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doownelg | 00:17 Sat 21st May 2016 | Crosswords
11 Answers
Stuck on s few 18a behold the next weapons of world war four 6,3,6 -t-c-s ---s-o-e- 14d although negative news undermines licence to cancel 5 a---- 29a sounds only proper for a formal procedure 4 r-t- Thanks in advance



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18a Stocks and shares ?
18a sticks and stones ?
14d annul ...first letters
18a Sticks and stones
Question Author
Thanks sticks and stones seems to fit
29a rite
-- answer removed --
I just don't get 18a neither the definition nor wordplay.
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

― Albert Einstein
Thanks, I had not come across that quote before.
Nor had I until I came across this clue.

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