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mra1 | 18:58 Fri 27th May 2016 | Crosswords
17 Answers
Nearly there (with assistance) but am stuck on the last 3 and need one explaining (1) OK about left - a sign of change in polish letters O?O?E?;
Oil container held nu my Latin or Greek Healer and "author" ME???PUS and unusually rare editor - in short, something to do with good books R?R???. Also Middle-eastern ambassador sounding pleasant takes in a king loses nothing for which it works out as E(U)P(H)R(O)N(I)U(S) which I absolutely dont get! The letters in brackets are the initial blanks


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Nearly there (with assistance) but am stuck on the last 3 and need one explaining

(1) OK about left - a sign of change in polish letters O?O?E?;

Oil container held nu my Latin or Greek Healer and "author" ME???PUS

and unusually rare editor - in short, something to do with good books R?R???.

Also Middle-eastern ambassador sounding pleasant takes in a king loses nothing for which it works out as E(U)P(H)R(O)N(I)U(S) which I absolutely dont get! The letters in brackets are the initial blanks
3 Reread anag rare Ed
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Thank you - that now makes the container ME?D?PUS - sorry about the nu dont know where that came from!
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OOps A not D -think I should go to bed!
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Thank you for that Scorpiojo - any ideas on the first one?
None so far, I'm afraid :(
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Iknow the letters are right First O is from Ethiope, second from Commonplace Book and the is from L'allegro - totally baffled
Question 1 was answered O gone k
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Thank you very much Cashier
Now I'm confused...I answered it at 20.05
Euphronius was an Ambassador in Antony & Cleopatra.

I haven't gone any further into the parse, glad to have it done.
Ta, sorted.
As said, Euphonious, (pleasant-sounding), insert R and remove second O

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