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Times Jumbo Cryptic 1209

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jcr27 | 12:04 Sat 28th May 2016 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Stuck on two, 28D and 37A. Think I have 28D but can't parse it.


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hope those with the times can help you out
Welcome to AB. Have a read of this:

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Hi jcr27 & welcome to AB - it's always best to post full clues so that people without the puzzle can more readily help. The following links should be of assistance -

That said -

28d Vet over the moon with new ability to hear (8)

Audition - 'audit' (vet) + 'Io' (moon) + 'n(ew)'

37a Earthenware from the east, shown daily (5)

Delft - 'led' (shown, from the east; back) + 'FT' (daily)
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Many thanks Lie-in King especially re nicely put advice re postings. Had assessor in mind, so much for that, guessed delft but hadn't thought of the ft bit...

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Times Jumbo Cryptic 1209

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