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Daily Mail Prize Crossword Tuesday June 7Th 2016

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redsokk | 05:49 Tue 07th Jun 2016 | Crosswords
9 Answers
13 A Not much pressure around Easter, so they say 6L P?S?A?

Where's Retro these days?


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05:53 Tue 07th Jun 2016
Pascal. Retro has been in hospital for a few days.
Pascal He is back in hospital Red after suffering from breathing difficulties post op. Now feeling a lot better and should be back home by the end of the week
^Thats good to sure he knows he has he has the best regards of all on AB.^
I can see the definition but am not sure of the wordplay here- is it a reference to Pasch?
The pascal (symbol: Pa) is the SI derived unit of pressure used to quantify internal pressure, stress, Young's modulus ...
Then there's Paschal, Easter
sounds like Paschal.
Thanks. I had heard of Pasch/Pascha (though I thought it had a SH sound) but never Paschal but I suppose it's an adjective of these
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Thanks Sandy, Margo, Mac etc and good to hear Retro is on the up.

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Daily Mail Prize Crossword Tuesday June 7Th 2016

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