Three I can't parse -1: 5d Touching salvers clumsily leads to setbacks (9) REVERSALS. But why is "Touching" RE? 7d Artery, sometimes blocked, cut with reservation (4,11) DUAL CARRIAGEWAY - is this just an iffy triple (?) definition? 18d Good academic publisher owing money? That's classified (7) GROUPED. Why?
in the matter of (used typically as the first word in the heading of an official document or to introduce a reference in a formal letter).
"re: invoice 87"
synonyms: about, concerning, regarding, with regard to, relating to, apropos (of), on the subject of, respecting, in respect of, with respect to, with reference to, as regards, in the matter of, in connection with, referring to, touching on; anent
Well I think all three are pretty poor clues (unusually!), but thanks to you all for your explanations which have been very helpful in getting my head around them.