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Dm. Smallest Hardest

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twotroop | 10:27 Mon 04th Jul 2016 | Crosswords
17 Answers
1d. increase. (4)


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Could be -although don't they usually says '(Obs.)' ?
Looks like it is eche then
Its a Shakespearean term to augment. Comes from EKE out
the letters of eche
fit 1a,2a and 6a
Thanks retrocop. I'm not doubting it as I assumed those who suggested it have done it since it is such an unusual word .
unusual indeed and as you observe it would normally be classified as (obs) in the clue.
FF to clear any doubt it was accepted on line
just curious what was the answer to surprised expression .....2/ 7 /2016
I didn't get paper on Sat but probably odso.
wahey!!!! I was right for once then. lol
Well done Mally.

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Dm. Smallest Hardest

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