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mra1 | 17:02 Fri 08th Jul 2016 | Crosswords
6 Answers
Evening all - here I m again - stuck on the last three - 10 across (8) writer with a hangover? This year a poet ?A?I?T?N The only surname I can come up with is HAMILTON?? 11 across (6) in which on radio you'll go over celebrity's latest? E?L?G? (Eclog?) and 14 down Chandler didn't know from whom he got the big sleep (9) C?A?F?E?D - can only come up with Coalfield but none of the characters in that book match it.


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11 Eulogy

You'll og (go over) y Celebrity's last.
14 Chauffeur

The Big Sleep - who killed the chauffeur.
11 Eulogy?
Question Author
Thanks folks - I had misread the last letter of 14 in my grid - which was ub fact an R - doubt whether I would have got it even so!
Glad you're sorted.

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