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Northern Crossword

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Malcopool | 15:33 Tue 06th Sep 2016 | Crosswords
10 Answers
1. Think again about make up. 8 letters. R?IN?E?T(Could be reinvest or reinvent, but why?)

2. Construct air engine to pleasing design. 9 letters. E??E?R?N?.



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re= about
invent= make up

anagram of airengine?
2 Endearing
So was it aid engine, mamyalynne?
Can't think what it was maybe I'm well off the mark.
Question Author
Thanks - number 2 probably a misprint in the newspaper!
actually that anagram wouldn't work either. i'm sure endearing will be right though
All I could see - good luck.
ADR engine might work
Which paper/magazine is this from please, Malcopool?
Question Author
From Northern Cross, Roman Catholic monthly paper for the Hexham and Newcastle diocese.

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Northern Crossword

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