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Mail Giant

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Mertyl | 17:11 Sat 24th Sep 2016 | Crosswords
7 Answers
8d Said no more and prepared to brave the elements ?r???ed up
9d Drove into, I get bashed it's very hard ? GRANITE but that doesn't fit with 18a Conversant with earlier Latin name of plant L????
Think I must have made a few errors...


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8d wrapped up
17:14 Sat 24th Sep 2016
8d wrapped up
8d.Wrapped up
Granite- ran(drove) inside anagram of I get
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Of course ,making it Lupin ! Thanks so much
Thank you for best answer. :-))

9d looks like Granite....if it was right, how would 18a look?
18a - Lupin fits with Granite

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Mail Giant

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