Hi Margo, i have felt better the sinusitis has flared up again, sore head, sore teeth and my eyes hurt, had to make an appointment with the doc this past week, big problem getting an appointment, but eventually got to speak to a doc, and got some antibiotics, they are starting to have an effect now thank goodness, how are you doing?
That sounds nasty Billy but glad you're in the road to recovery - I know what you mean about getting to see a doctor I have the same problem. I fine thanks, just getting my arm back in working order after breaking it falling downstairs! Nice to chat again x
Yes it is a bi@@h, i just heard yesterday that a friend and ex workmate died in mexico he was a wee bit younger than me, like me he had cancer but did not die of that, does make me think how lucky i am, need to go now that is the loin of pork i am cooking for dinner ready. take care speak soon xx