Ruthrobin here, since you asked. I originally 'leapt' to the probably wrong conclusion that 'four consecutive letters in a straight line' doesn't necessarily mean four contiguous letters. I did later revise that choice. My entry has already been posted. We have been asked for some strange entries in the past - a grid folded into an origami wren - grids with holes cut in them - grids converted to stars - glued together in various ways etc. There was so much in this Poat compilation that I feel very sad for Poat that the end move is causing such distress. Sad, too, that we, on this board, who usually avoid giving direct hints, are troubled enough to be giving them and discussing it. Not quite as blatantly as on the other board though (yes, I broke my own rule, went there and am even smiling at what is being suggested). I fear this might be the new KOHb event. JEG, of course, solves with the rest of us (and appears, honestly, in his own statistics). He doesn't see the solution until he has completed his entry (he doesn't personally select the winners either - he walks down the road to his brother's house with a bag of all the correct entries). He would have no say at all and no veto about what has to be submitted (at least, that is what I have understood to be the case). Sorry to go on at length - will get my coat.