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jangi | 14:50 Fri 27th Jan 2017 | Crosswords
15 Answers
Help with two please.
14a. Road marker has Roman numerals switched in rock. 9.
24a By product of coal spoils path in New Hampshire area7


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Thank you Danny.
You're welcome
The dreaded veil
I'll take it away on Monday Margo.:-)
Still not liking it then Danny? Just had a look everything seems too big and a bit unwieldy to me - lots of scrolling! Crossword section not good! Having said that I managed better than I thought I would
No Margo don't like it.Too old for new tricks :-)
You did fine over there Margo.
Why not try it for a few days when it goes live. I would miss you xx RC sends his regards by the way
Ta Mamya x
Thanks for that about RC. I will also miss you along with a few others.
Please stay Danny it won't be the same without you
Long odds on that Margo.
Danny, I'm nervous about the new AB too. I'm all fingers and thumbs when it comes to new technology. I hope you stay too. I'm going to try my best to stay. Going to take my laptop to my daughters next week, hopefully she can explain it better to me. xx

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