Dt 28,354 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Dt 28,354

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Polly37 | 19:32 Sat 18th Feb 2017 | Crosswords
5 Answers
5 down Solder on exercises runs hard(9) ??R???E?E is it persevere?
5 across Powerful bishop and pawn on row(7) ???????
11 across Sample tea, perhaps a little at a time(9) P?????E??
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5d Yes - Persevere (soldier on) - 'PE' + 'r(uns)' + 'severe' (hard)
5a P-on tiff
11a Piece-meal
11 seen as Piecemeal
piecemeal will be right. I just spotted an irrelevant anagram
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Many thanks to you all and for the explanation

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