Good morning. Back again. Could you help me with the final clues, please. Quite a few unfortunately. Audible expression of sadness, in a sense, cut short (4ltrs) ??g? I think the first letter may be (a) coming from Like an old picture showing Greek character to Aegean, say (5ltrs) which I think may be alpha? 8dn Happen before red tape changed and tapered off (7ltrs)
p?e?a?? - could this be peerage? Last one 25ac Lament i.e. bawl, when upset (6ltrs) ?????l. I think this is bewail an anagram of i.e. bawl. I thought my brain may be more active after a good nights' sleep......... Many thanks. Four Clubs
To my rescue again, Mallyh. Thank you. I am still trying to fathom out 21dn Like and old picture showing Greek character in Aegean, say (5ltrs) s?p?a. Should be able to get this but just cannot see it. Four Clubs