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Cystic Fibrosis Picture Quiz.

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furrypusscat | 10:13 Mon 13th Mar 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Cystic Fibrosis Picture Quiz. c/d 31st March.
Can anyone please give a clue only to Picture No: 68 - picture of a pink spotted cow (I think), wearing blue hat. Searched TV & cartoon images but cannot find anything like.


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don't konow the theme but I have seen that cow long with Dougal and Florence
I've not named the TV program in case that is the theme
That was what i was thinking too^^^
I've googled the name of the cow, and it is exactly as described!
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Grateful thanks JJ109. I will check it out. I do know the programmme and it wasn't the theme of the quiz so no secrets given away.
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Thank you also chelle7272.
That was about the only one in that section that I knew!!! I'm obviously much older than you!!
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I must admit hellywelly4 that section and the flowers one has been the hardest for me.

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