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anyeayup69 | 16:27 Sun 16th Apr 2017 | Crosswords
9 Answers
strike down the leaders - sadly maiming innocents? they're innocents? they're extremists 5 letters smi?e Thank you


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Smite? Initial letters - if your second 'innocents' should be something else?
initial letters
' they're innocents?' are superfluous words?
Yes, although doesn't quite work using the above wording for the clue
Is the clue in the correct order, if they're extremists comes before they're innocents it works for initials
If you ignore 'they're innocents then it works. S(adly) M(aiming) I(nnocents) T(hey're) E(xtremists)
Correct clue is:

Strike down the leaders - sadly maiming innocents? they're extremists.
Thanks Captain

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