Times Jumbo 3D in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Times Jumbo 3D

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strabismus | 15:56 Mon 17th Jul 2017 | Crosswords
17 Answers
3d. Producer of powerful number: there's nothing more catchy perhaps gripping millions.
I have "opium poppy" but I can't explain it
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number is pronounced as nummer (something that numbs you) in this case, strabismus
Nothing - O
More - Piu
Millions - M

Catchy - Poppy
Danword doesn't parse clues.
Question Author
Thank you fiction factory - I got that bit, but what about "nothing more catchy"? the millions presumably is the m in opium
Opium being the number - it numbs.
Parsed above.

Don't recall saying it did Mamya.
^and it doesn't always give the right answer.
Thanks Mayalynne. It's the PIU= more bit I couldn't see- never heard of that
You didn't but the OP wanted an explanation, that's who I was addressing.

It probably gives a higher % of correct answers than some on here do FF.
Good luck strabismus.
più:- used to qualify an adverb or adjective used as a direction in music. Still learning afer nearly 60 years
That's the beauty of crosswords, something new to learn every day - for me certainly.
Question Author
Thanks for all your help. I understand now
Great, sorry for my rambling on.

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