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A Word Of Advice.....

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gness | 16:08 Thu 14th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
If you decide you visit the super new shopping centre in your area......super because it is built on a lake with birding trails.....don't take Dave with you.......

A couple sitting on a bench were petting their we passed....

Dave loves dogs.....looked at the trio and announced.....Wow! She's a stunner!!!

We walked on....followed by the man who wanted to know why Dave was calling his wife a stunner......

I left Dave explaining..... :-(


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Advice taken, but it did make me laugh.
Lol!!!! Let's hope he managed to do that without getting wife and dog mixed up.
The wife should have approached Dave and said, 'That's a lovely thing to call me!' Then, turning to husband, 'Why don't you ever talk to me like that?'
Think a lot of their selves don't they gness?? Haha.... Is Dave ok?...
Is the lake deep? Throw him a life belt in case.
Is that Rushden lakes?

Are you two safe to venture out in the absence of an appropriate adult?
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Sort of thing I'd have done, BookB..... :-)

Dave's fine, Patsy....just a tad red faced....x

Very deep, Mamya.....and it is Rushden Lakes, Ummmm........first visit and it's lovely......apart from House of Fraser where the music was loud and intolerable......x
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I think Dave was once, BM......lord knows what's happened to him of late..... ;-)
I'm just peeved that Two Seasons have moved there when they were just up the road from me. My Fav shop... :-(
// Dave loves dogs.....looked at the trio and announced.....Wow! She's a stunner!!! //

yeah dont say to your darg - oh good boy!
if you are somewhere like Brixton or Longsight
Luckily the dog played the part on that one ....

another one not to try is - my botch wants to join your girlie gang
same place - same confusion
sorted after a while by the botch playing the part and oiling up to the girls in question and making goo goo eyes and just being a wonderful dog etc ....
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Hi, Peter....xx

Didn't go in, Ummmm but the lad from Two Seasons came out as we were passing and had a lovely chat....
Said how much happier they were working at's open and airy ....lots of lovely planting, sculptures etc....they don't feel so closed in now.

I think the atmosphere of the place is having a lovely effect....all the H of F were chatty and cheery...
If you've not been it's worth a visit and if you tire of shopping you can go for a sail in a canoe or a swan pedalo.... :-)
I'd like to say I've been the victim of exaggeration or 'creative posting' - sadly every word is true.

The (frankly excessively tattooed) man was (I eventually established) joking ... but it was an 'interesting' few seconds of doubt ...

Rushden Lakes is a fine place - the cafe & birdwatching area is great, there are some nice walks around the lake (with more to come) and the shopping is pretty good - happy staff, good products and a genuinely pleasant environment.

Except for HoF which is a disgrace - ridiculously loud (and frankly rubbish) music and snooty/disinterested staff - and pricing which I'd call 'hopeful' or perhaps 'you must be joking'.

I went into a Primark for the first time in my (sheltered) life and was surprised at what a nice place it was - not the Chav Central I'd been expecting at all. Happy staff, jovial customers and some (very) cheap and decent quality stuff.

To celebrate the money I'd saved, I then had serious credit card 'incidents' in Fat Face and L'Occitane ...

SD> Wow! She's a stunner!!!
TM> Why are you calling my wife a stunner ... ?
SD> I was calling your [i]bi*ch[i] a stunner ...

And it went downhill from there ...
i suppose panicking and saying 'pippa's a bit of a looker as well' wouldn't have helped

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Not with well......bit, Ael....Dave was trying to get out of the hole..... :-)
You two just can't keep out of trouble ;-)
A word of advice don't let me go to the bar when I have had a couple of gins!! Hubby now has a rather large bar bill!!
Thank you for this post, Gness. I was looking for somewhere different to take my visitors next week. That is just the ticket. :-)

I won't be taking my stunner, Tilly. I'll leave her at home just in case you and Dave are around and we become confused as to who is the stunner.
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Ahh....but we can laugh about it, NoM....

Nice Wildlife centre, Tilly......they have bins so you can birdwatch when you're'll enjoy it.....x

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