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Daij | 14:04 Sun 01st Oct 2017 | Crosswords
11 Answers
12d Break down reaqlising there’s no sin being shown a field (3-3)
??? - ??G
11d Love remains to ensnare Europen hero of drama (7)
2d Brown figured losing election ultimately (7)
3d Boat holds are for one who lives on the move (6)
16a Man of the cloth having a drink around noon (7)
4d Break strike, going back after leaser’s defection (4)
??A? KHAN?
19a Year that’s employed digesting apple core before end of June? That’s Great (5)
Y???? YUMMY?
5d Narrow inlet to dry up (3)

Thanks in advance



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5 ria
^air reversed
5 Ria, narrow inlet. It's Air, to dry, reversed (up).
19 yipee
2d Yes, (N)Umbered - losing last letter of electioN
11 Orestes
4d Snap?
3 tuareg
^ O rest(E) s
12d) lea rig
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Thanks to you all for your help

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