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Rte Guide 48

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lorus | 10:01 Fri 24th Nov 2017 | Crosswords
9 Answers
3d Good heavens 1 What the hell ! Must be the half-way house ? (5)
20/25a Isn't fair game at this time of year ? (4,6)
1d Ailer
r (6,4)


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20/25. Open season
3 ghost, no idea why though..
3d Limbo - halfway between Heaven and Hell
Cn you explain 1d any other way lorus?
1d corner shop
How do we get that from lorus' clue trixie please?
Ahhhh, if we read from the bottom 'R' upwards..........
Reads upwards as retailer and the letters form an angle(corner)
Sorry Captain, I had seen it before!

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Rte Guide 48

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