Crosswords24 mins ago
Tls 1205
9 Answers
I'm one short here and need help.
24ac: One growing in Patterson's garden that's found after sheet's turned back (6)
I have p?a?i?
Is it pratie?
24ac: One growing in Patterson's garden that's found after sheet's turned back (6)
I have p?a?i?
Is it pratie?
https:// www. amazon. co. uk/ Patterson- Garden- Where- Praties- Grow/ dp/ B00CUS4RN6
15:41 Thu 14th Dec 2017
I think this may be the reference?
http:// www.fre emanpat terson. com/boo k12.htm
Thanks all. I have stumbled onto a few possibilities:
https:/ /www.go m/searc h?q=Pat terson% 3A+The+ Garden+ Where+T he+Prat ies+Gro w&o q=Patte rson%3A +The+Ga rden+Wh ere+The +Pratie s+Grow& amp;aqs =chrome ..69i57 j69i58j 69i60.3 991j0j7 &so urceid= chrome& amp;ie= UTF-8