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Bernie | 16:45 Wed 03rd Jan 2018 | Crosswords
17 Answers
1a react like McEnroe (4,2,1,6)??c? up a racket
1d .Fish Basket (4)??S?
16d. The man to ban rum in the ring (6)?a?n?m
15d.Embossed block (3)d?e
Many thanks


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1a kick up a racket
16d Barnum
Kick up a racket?
16 Barnum
15d die
16. barnum (& Bailey) anag
Bernie, just as a matter of interest, 'cos I'm nosy, why do you always put 'LocalE' - do you mean 'local' or something different?
Question Author
No problem. The first time I put it in I put in Locale meaning it to be Local. Now when i start typing Whe I put in Lo.... Locale pops up as an option and me being lazy I just click on it!!
Ha, ha, nice one. Ta Bernie
1d Kipe
Question Author
Has anyone ever heard the term'hack up a racket 'for 1a
Then hask would fit for 1d.
7a.Unfeeling. (7) if kipe is right it is p???c?L
If hask is 1d. then letters for 7a are S???c?L.
Hope I haven't confused ye!!
7a Stoical ?
Kick up a racket
16 d Barnum 15 d die

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