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Rte 3

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scooke | 12:56 Mon 08th Jan 2018 | Crosswords
21 Answers
10a powerless, perhaps? but alternative current looked initally OK somehow(8)?n?????t
25a to the fixing shop!(6)???a?l
27a a champion in literature,albeit negatively, well aint he or possibly?(4-4)a???-h???
5d egghead takes tip and persists with Information Technology...(5,2,2)?e?p?,??,I?


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5 Keeps at it
27 Anti-Hero
25 Retail ?
25 Repair ?
10 impotent means powerless but can't parse
i venture blackout but it dosent help 3 d ?t?o? the spirit of the people is forthose to order ? im also stuck on 7 d ?r?s the benefits of writing we hear
7 pros(e)
Spirit of the people Ethos
3 ethos
^ anag of 'those'
b l ac ko ut
is correct
'but ' around l ac ko
tanx ellie may any ideas re 7 down ?r?sthe benefits of writing we hear and 26 down e?i? does she have dessert first ?
'pros(e)' answered already!
26 Enid from Dine
tanx mamyalynne one left 17 down on the r?a? (might train drivers stick their neck out here and still be at risk
'on the road' but doesn't make sense??
Looks as if it should be 'on the line'
tanx elliemay im of the same view would need to revert to different clue repair v retail already mentioned. But prob settle for road .Tnx.
would 'in the road' fit?
On the rail?

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