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Prize Crossword

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ordbrae | 11:45 Sat 13th Jan 2018 | Crosswords
11 Answers
2 D Quick attack capturing pawn (5) r?p??
9 D Honest instrument? (7,5) ?r?i?a??????
14 D Brief reply in complicated Westminster record (7) ?n?????
24 A Charm of another name belonging to us (7)e??????


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24 Enamour
2s. rapid
2 Rapid Raid with p
2d Ra P id
24a. enamour
2 Ra-p-id
14 H ans ard
9d. upright piano
9d upright piano ?
14d H ans ard
Question Author
Thanks meantime.
2d rapid
9d upright piano
24a enamour

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Prize Crossword

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