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redglenys | 18:52 Fri 16th Mar 2018 | Crosswords
8 Answers
9a keep questioning cheeky young man about maiden (4) p???
6d decorate them briefly , like a ringer? (9) ???e?e???
16a a french city with inner river side by side (7) ?b?e???
20d Grant under shilling is alarming (5) ?c?r?


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9 pump
20 scary
16 abreast?
9a Pump
16a Abreast
6 embellish
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thank you, but it means I have 12a wrong state record of sunday programme I had countried for 12a , because embellish has an s in it means I have gone wrong on 12a . state record of Sunday programme [11]
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thank you all

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