It says in the link
“Alison Teal, a local Green party councillor, believes she knows why many were chosen: “I can only assume that because it’s a 25-year contract, they’re felling mature trees because they are more expensive. They cause pavement and road disruption and a hell of a lot of leaves fall off them.”
But that is just an assumption with real reason could well be to building expensive housing for the upper crust as has been gone in the past and thus using the health and safety angle as a stealthy smokescreen.
Darren butt says
“For each tree cut down, another is planted – saplings of the same species “where appropriate”, in the words of Amey operations director Darren Butt”
Which is fantastic news for tree lovers, tree huggers and tree protectors.
But then teal goes onto say
“Teal says it is nonsense to think you can replace a mature tree with a sapling and expect the same environmental benefits. Trees, she says, “produce a lot of oxygen; better than that, a lot of carbon dioxide is absorbed. They’re actually good at clearing out a lot of pollutants.” Given the difference in size, she says, you need to plant seven or more young trees for every mature specimen that’s cut down. And it will take decades for them to be as striking, or to provide the same shade.
Which then slams us back to reality and the horrors of which are taking place in our back yard.