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Ev 1332

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pomona | 10:15 Sun 27th May 2018 | Crosswords
6 Answers
Each clue is a pair leading to 2 6 letter answers ( in either order) which share a letter * which is not given by the wordplay

1d Support play when relation American, has promoted material
???I?* *?????

2d Companies hiring you picked up meal dish, take post from new Post Office, add on gym...
???C?* *?????



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1, first The definition is Support, the clue ends after 'relation'.
1, second, The usual abbreviation, with a word in the clue.going up (promoted). The last letter of the first should lead you to the second.
2. The clues are in order of the entries.
Question Author
Thanks Neveracrossword ... got both 1d's now...where does "play" come into it?
An 'assist' in football is generally the pass from another player that leads to a goal.
Glad I helped a bit, Pomona.
Question Author
Thank you Professor

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Ev 1332

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