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jadzia49 | 22:29 Fri 05th Oct 2018 | Crosswords
13 Answers
Fellow in foremost episodes related by British author(10) ?o?d?i?g?r.Thanks


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F in Golding + e(pisodes) r(elated)
22:43 Fri 05th Oct 2018
Goldfinger it is.
That Bonds it then.
Is there a theme? Can't see the wordplay
F in Golding + e(pisodes) r(elated)
Fellow appears to be doing double duty.
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Thanks. Thought it was goldfinger but couldn’t parse it.
Nota bene: Again, an AnswerBank answer appears under "Tis."
It doesn't but point taken , we all know how the titles work on AB.
Here's what I meant:

Tis 1245

I don't recall seeing such things before Sept.
Ah, you are referring to a different thread.

Tis may been a typo.

Tls on this one is because when you type a word in a title it only capitalises the first letter.


Is it really a big problem?
I suppose not.

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